
Sit to be seen in a Pre-tender meeting

Often you will find that the issuing authority has not fully considered the consequences of some of the requirements they have stipulated in the invitation to tender. In many instances the tender invitation has been completed by personnel not involved in the actual activity and may include totally irrelevant terms and conditions. Having these problems drawn to their attention may result in these being disregarded or amended.

Sit to be Seen

This is also important to understand the significance of where to position yourself at a pre-tender meeting. At all costs avoid being out of easy eye contact with the contractor’s personnel.

Do not consider you should sit as close as possible to the authority’s personnel if this results in loss of eye contact.

Speakers wish to convey their message to as many people present as possible at pre-tender meetings; they wish it to be seen that they are disturbing their attention fairly. They will not, therefore, be comfortable in maintaining eye contact which excludes others.

Build Recognition

When asking your questions, introduce your name and the firm name and indeed repeat your firm name as frequently as possible. This will ensure you are remembered after the meeting is concluded. At the end of the meeting often only a brief interchange with other authority personnel is recommended. This may carry a positive reflection of your firm.

Equal consideration

Never consider one representative on the panel as more important than another. It is surprising how often the obvious junior member on the panel is excluded from expressions of appreciation. Remember, when you leave the meeting, they will be included in the authority’s deliberations and the fact that you thanked them will have increased their self-esteem and result in their higher opinion of you and your company.

In Summary

Always seek and attend a pre-tender meeting.

Prepare all questions prior to the meeting in written format.

Never go alone.

Ask questions which show your professional ability.

Do not dominate the proceedings.

Listen to others and note their questions and the answers they receive.

Take notes, either recorded or written.

Choose seats which allow you easy eye contact with the speakers.

Treat all the authority’s staff with equal appreciation and consideration.

Do not ask irrelevant or silly questions.

Make sure your questions are rounded.

Don’t only ask about financial points, show questions you understand all facts of the contract.

Do not be afraid to seek clarification.

There are many on line tender information providing websites like www.tenderserviceonline.com .You can also visit this site for latest tender news and articles. So you can plan your response to tender invitation today and get lots of business possibilities in government sector.